TOEFL Speaking – real examples

These students are practicing for the TOEFL iBT Speaking section. These are Vietnamese students. They were given a personal choice topic question. No strict time for preparation was given. How would you say these students did? Pay attention to their use of transitions and sentence structure. What about the accents? Why does the first fellow look like he’s about to cry? ;)
[youtube= 468 391]

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3 Responses to “TOEFL Speaking – real examples”

  1. jahan says:

    I want to prepare for Tofel exam. Please help me for this task

  2. niloo says:

    firs of all, what grade are you in? how much you are in touch with English?
    where do you come from?

  3. niloo says:

    oh I didn’t notice the time the question was submitted!
    he must have TOEFL degree now!!

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